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Investigate Prepositions of Time and Position

In this worksheet, students will classify prepositions according to their type.

'Investigate Prepositions of Time and Position' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Conjunctions, Adverbs and Prepositions

Popular topics:   Preposition worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Prepositions are words or phrases that give information about where or when something is in relation to another thing.


They can be split into different groups.


1) Prepositions of time, such as at, during, before, after.


alarm clock


I washed my hands before lunch.  

He went to sleep during the film.


2) Prepositions of position, such as on, by, in front of, behind, next to.


The picture hung on the wall.

The cat sat in the box.


cat in a box


There are other types as well, giving information about how something is done, or who it is done with.


We went by car.

I went with my brother.


Some words can act as more than one type of preposition.


For example:

Jamie lives in London. (position)

My birthday is in May. (time)


The book is on the table. (position)

My party is on Wednesday. (time)


party balloons


In this activity, you'll be thinking about whether a preposition tells us about time or position.

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