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Improve Writing with Noun Phrases

In this worksheet, students will identify and use expanded noun phrases to add detail to writing.

'Improve Writing with Noun Phrases' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Composition

Curriculum subtopic:   Assess Grammar and Vocabulary

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

As you know, nouns are naming words.  Some examples are bread, Lucy, car, Spain, happiness.


Noun phrases are groups of words that do the same job as nouns:

brown bread

my friend Lucy

red car

the country called Spain

a feeling of great happiness


girl smiling


Noun phrases can be expanded in lots of ways to add detail and interest to a piece of writing.


We can create expanded noun phrases by adding adjectives to the original noun, like this:

a bear

a brown bear

a hungry brown bear


We can also add a preposition phrase to expand it further, like this:

a hungry brown bear on the hunt for prey


brown bear


This expanded noun phrase can be used in exactly the same way as a simple noun in a sentence.  Let's look at how:


At dusk, a bear prowled through the woods.

At dusk, a hungry brown bear on the hunt for prey prowled through the woods.


Are you ready to identify some expanded noun phrases?  Let's get started!

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