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Practise Inference Skills in a Non-fiction Text

In this worksheet, students will make inferences about a non-fiction text.

'Practise Inference Skills in a Non-fiction Text' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Comprehension

Curriculum subtopic:   Draw Inferences About Texts

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

How good are you at spotting clues? 


In this activity, we will be perfecting our inference skills.


Inference questions might ask us:

Why a character does something.

What a sentence from the text tells us about a character’s feelings.

How a character is feeling.

Where a character or object is.

Why a character did a particular thing.


To answer these questions, we have to piece evidence from the text together to form an answer. The answer isn’t clearly written in the text itself so we need to look for the clues and hints.

Get your detective hat on, let's go! 



Read the passage below:


In a quaint village in the heart of England, there lived a talented and kind-hearted toymaker named Clara Everwood. She was acknowledged far and wide as the creator of the most enchanting toys in the universe. Clara's journey began with a heart full of dreams and hands that could bring imagination to life. Soon, her toys would capture the hearts of children all over the United Kingdom.


wooden toys


What does this sentence below tell us about Clara?


She was acknowledged far and wide as the creator of the most enchanting toys in the universe.


Did you use the clues in the sentence to help you?

She is known far and wide and her toys are the most enchanting.

This tells us that she makes amazing toys which are very popular.


You can see how this actual answer isn't written directly in the text. We've inferred if from the evidence. 

If she is 'acknowledged far and wide' her toys must be popular. 

If her toys are 'the most enchanting toys in the universe' that must mean they are pretty good! 



In this activity, you will answer inference questions about a non-fiction text. 



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