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Use Inference Skills to Answer Questions About a Text

In this worksheet, students will use their inference skills to answer questions about a text.

'Use Inference Skills to Answer Questions About a Text' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 8 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Inference and Evidence

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we will read a fictional extract and use our inference skills to see what we can learn about the characters.


A boy peaking out from above a book.


Read the following extract:

I walked into the staff room with my head down, as usual. Drizzle from the overcast sky dully pattered the window. Flicking the kettle on, I leaned against the countertop and sighed.


“Oh hey Emma!” Lauren walked in, friendly and smiley as always. I’d do anything to be her.


“Hi Lauren!” Emma replied, weakly.


“Forgive me if I’m wrong but isn’t today, sort of a special one for you?”


“Yeah, it’s nothing though, I mean… I haven’t got anything planned so it’s really not a big deal…”


“Oh that’s cool, well, I won’t make a big thing of it then but I actually did think of you when I went to the shop yesterday and got you something…” Lauren slipped a perfectly wrapped present onto the counter.


“Oh wow, that’s so generous, thank you… you didn’t have to,” Emma picked it up and looked at it. It was a small rectangle wrapped in blue paper with a delicate ribbon tied round it. Emma untied the ribbon and opened the box. Laying on a beautiful velvet cushion was a charm. How did Lauren even know she collected charms? Emma took the charm and looked at it closely. It was a cat, with a tiny B on its chest. Tears collected in Emma’s eyes.


“I think you lost Belle recently. And I thought you might like this…” Lauren said softly.


Emma looked up and into Lauren’s eyes, “This is the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received. Thank you… but, why?”


A cat lapping milk.


Now let's have a go at the questions.


You can look at the extract at any point by clicking on the red help button on the screen. 

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