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Give Coordinates Correctly to Find the Treasure

In this worksheet, students will use a grid and follow simple instructions relating to position, direction and movement to find the pirate's treasure!

'Give Coordinates Correctly to Find the Treasure ' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Geometry: Position and Direction

Curriculum subtopic:   Describe Movements of Position

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we will be learning how to describe movements on a coordinate grid.  


We will be helping Pirate Pete to find the treasure by following simple instructions. 


The instructions might tell us to go up, down, left or right.


Remember: when we read or write coordinates, we go along the x-axis first, then up the y-axis!


Let's try an example question together!




Treasure grid



Pirate Pete starts at B3.

To find the treasure, he must move 3 squares to the right and 2 squares down. 

So, the treasure can be found at E1.


 Treasure grid answer


Did you find that easy? The only tricky bit is to remember to always put the bottom letter before the side number - the E before the 1 - E1


Shiver my timbers - let's get started searching for those 'pieces of eight', matey.


two pirates

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