In this activity, we will be learning how to convert from percentages into fractions and decimals.
The symbol % stands for percent, which means out of a hundred.
Cent is the French for hundred and the % symbol looks a bit like two zeros with a 1 through them... 0|0.
We can easily convert between percentages, fractions, and decimals as shown in the example below.
45% (45 percent) is equal to 45/100 (45 hundredths) = 0.45
78% (78 percent) is equal to 78/100 (78 hundredths) = 0.78
5% (5 percent) is equal to 5/100 (5 hundredths) = 0.05
40% (40 percent) is equal to 40/100 (40 hundredths) = 0.40 = 0.4
Let's try an example question.
What is 23% as a fraction and a decimal?
23% means 23 out of 100 or 23 hundredths.
23 hundredths is written 23/100
23% means 23 out of 100 or 23 hundredths.
23 hundredths is written 0.23
When converting a percentage into a decimal or a fraction, divide by 100.
Now it's your chance to have a go at some questions like this!
Good luck!