We will be looking at the multiples of numbers in this activity.
Here are the first five multiples of six: 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30
Here are the first five multiples of nine: 9, 18, 27, 36 and 45
The list of multiples of a number don't stop just because we reach our twelve times table!! They go on forever!
There are sometimes easy ways to spot if a number is a multiple of another number.
For example:
Any multiple of 10 will end in a zero.
Multiples of 5 end in a zero or a 5.
Multiples of 2 end in an even number: 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8
In the list of numbers below, which ones are multiples of 2, 5 or 10?
679, 445, 964, 230, 870
Multiples of 2: these must end in an even number, so that is 964, 230 and 870.
Multiples of 5: these end in a zero or a 5, so that is 445, 230 and 870.
Multiples of 10: these end in a zero, so 230 and 870
Was that simple?
In the following questions, there will also be some harder ones to solve where we will have to do a division calculation. If there is a remainder in our calculation then the number we've divided can't be a multiple of our given number.
Let's give it a go!