In this activity, we will be rounding numbers to the nearest 1 000, 10 000, 100 000.
93 000 <——93 235———————> 94 000
360 000 <—————369 594———> 370 000
8 400 000 <——8 439 798—————> 8 500 000
93 235 is 93 000 rounded to the nearest 1000
369 594 is 370 000 rounded to the nearest 10 000
8 439 798 is 8 400 000 rounded to the nearest 100 000.
To round to the nearest 1 000, look at the number in the hundreds place. If it's less than 500 round down. If it's 500 or more, round up.
To round to the nearest 10 000, look at the number in the thousands place. If it's less than 5 000 round down. If it's 5 000 or more, round up.
To round to the nearest 100 000, look at the number in the ten thousands place. If it's less than 50 000 round down. If it's 50 000 or more, round up.
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