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Identify an Aim, Prediction, Measurement or Variable

In this worksheet, students will practise identifying an aim, measurement, prediction, variable or diagram.

'Identify an Aim, Prediction, Measurement or Variable' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Working Scientifically

Curriculum subtopic:   Performing Simple Tests

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In science, it's important that you learn new keywords!



A diagram is a drawing of the experiment.


A measurement is a unit and method that will be used to measure what happens in an experiment.

For example, how much taller did the plant in the sunlight grow?


A prediction is when you describe what might happen during the investigation.


A variable is an element of the test that can be changed.


The aim is the question you want to answer.


Equipment are the items you need to carry out your experiment.


Now, it is time to put these new words to the test! Will you remember what they mean?

Remember that you can turn back to this page at any time.

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