Learning about how electric circuits work is fun!
You are going to use so many electrical devices in your lives that it's really important to have some sort of idea about how they work.
Working with circuits gives you important knowledge that will help you to use things correctly, to work out why things might not work and how to put that right.
So, to check whether or not a simple electric circuit will work, you need to check the following:
Is it complete? There must be no 'gaps' in the circuit.
Is there a power source, such as a battery?
Are both sides of the battery (+ and -) connected into the circuit?
If there are two batteries, are they connected + to - so the electric current can flow?
Now, you'll have covered all this in your lessons, so this is just a reminder!
In this activity, there are lots of different circuits drawn for you.
All you have to do is to look at them carefully and decide whether it's going to work or not. It's as simple as that - apply the points above and what you know about circuits from your previous work.
Have fun!