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Understand How the Movement of the Earth Causes Night and Day

In this worksheet, students will learn why we get day and night and how one changes to the other.

'Understand How the Movement of the Earth Causes Night and Day' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 5 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Earth and Space

Curriculum subtopic:   Earth's Rotation: Day and Night

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

How does day turn into night?


girl thinking


The Earth orbits the Sun.


As the Earth is orbiting the Sun, it also spins on its own axis. This means it spins on an imaginary line running from the North Pole to the South Pole.

It takes 24 hours, which is one day, for the Earth to make one full rotation.


Earth and sun


While it is rotating, some parts of the Earth will face the Sun. On these parts of Earth, it will be day

The countries and places on the other side of Earth will not be able to get any sunlight so it’ll be dark and night in those places.


When it is night for some parts of the Earth, it’ll be daytime in other parts. 

For example, when the United Kingdom is facing the Sun, it’s daytime for people living in the UK.


People living on the other side of the world, like in Australia, will be in darkness and it’ll be night. Once the part of the Earth where Australia is located rotates to face the Sun, the parts where the UK is will rotate away from the Sun.


As it takes the Earth 24 hours to do one full rotation, one day on Earth is 24 hours long.


In this activity, you’ll answer questions about day and night. 


You can look back at this introduction at any point by clicking on the red help button on the screen.


girl writing

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