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Describe the Structure of the Human Skeleton

In this worksheet, students will review their understanding of the structure of the human skeleton.

'Describe the Structure of the Human Skeleton' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 7 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Biology: Structure and Function of Living Organisms

Curriculum subtopic:   Skeletal and Muscular Systems

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Did you know we have roughly 206 bones in our body?!

These 206 bones fit together to form our skeleton.


Image of the human skeleton


Our bones are pretty awesome; believe it or not, they’re actually living! I guess when we think of bones, we tend to think of bones that have been dead and buried for thousands of years, like dinosaur bones! Bones are living because they can grow and if we were to accidentally break, or fracture a bone, it would be able to repair itself. 


Image of the human skeleton with labels


The bones in our skeleton are all important of course, but some of the main bones to remember are our vertebrae which are small bones that make up our backbone, the rib cage in our chest, our skull and the femur in our thigh. The femur is actually the longest bone in the body!


Can you find these bones in the image above?


In this activity, we're going to look at how our skeleton is arranged.

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