Starting at 0 we can count up in 10 000s like this:
0 10 000 20 000 30 000 40 000 50 000 60 000 70 000 ...
When we count up in 10 000s, what comes before and after 52 000?
32 000 42 000 52 000 62 000
42 000 comes before. 62 000 comes after.
When we start at 6, the numbers go up in 100 000s like this:
6 100 006 200 006 300 006 400 006 500 006 600 006 700 006 800 006 ...
When we count up in 100 000s, what comes before 501 708?
101 708 201 708 301 708 401 708 501 708 601 708 701 708 801 708
Answer is 401 708
When we start at 104 006, the numbers go up in 10 000s like this, changing the 10 000s digit:
104 006 114 006 124 006 134 006 144 006
And when we start at 104 006, the numbers go up in 100 000s like this, changing the 100 000s digit:
104 006 204 006 304 006 404 006 504 006