Are you ready to become a sentence superstar?
In this activity, we are going to practise recognising different sentence types and use our super skills to change one sentence form to another.
So let’s recap:
Questions | Need an answer, like this: Who did you invite to the party? |
Exclamations | Show excitement or emphasis, like this: What a messy kitchen! |
Commands | Tell us to do something: Clean your teeth and make your bed. |
Statements | Give us information: Chicks and rabbits are born in the spring. |
If we want to change the form of the sentence, we need to look at what we have been given and what we want to change it to.
For example, this question: 'Can you pick that plate up?' can be changed into a statement and a command.
If we take away the question part ‘can you’ we have the command ‘Pick that plate up.’
Or if we want to write a statement, we can imagine an answer to this question:
‘I can pick the plate up.’
So by changing the word order and taking away question words or adding them in, we can change the whole form of a sentence!
Now you have the skills, see if you can change some sentences!
Good luck, sentence superstar!