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Use the Prefixes inter- and re-

In this worksheet, students will learn how to use some prefixes (inter-, re-)

'Use the Prefixes inter- and re-' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Transcription

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Prefixes and Suffixes

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

We can use prefixes and suffixes to change the meaning of some words.  

We call the original word a root word.


Prefixes go at the start of words. 

For example: un + kind = unkind. 

The prefix un- means not.  When we add it to the root word kind we create its opposite.


Suffixes go at the end of words.

For example: cheer + ful = cheerful

The suffix -ful turns a noun (naming word) into an adjective (describing word).


happy boy throwing leaves


In this activity, we will look at the use of the prefixes inter- and re-.


Inter- means amongst, within or between.

For example, an intercity train travels between different cities.


a train


Re- means again or back.

For example, when we do something again, we can say we redo it.


With these prefixes, we do not have to change the spelling of the root word.


Here are some examples of words that use these prefixes:








You can listen to them here:



You can break the words up into the prefix and the root to help you to spell them:


inter act

inter national

re do

re fresh

re turn

re decorate


Why not use Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check to practise spelling them a few times before we begin the activity.


girl writing

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