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Understand How to Use Point, Evidence and Explain Method

In this worksheet, students will support their points using the point, evidence and explain method.

'Understand How to Use Point, Evidence and Explain Method' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Comprehension

Curriculum subtopic:   Justify Views

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we will need to prove our answers to comprehension questions.


To prove our answers, we need to use evidence from the text.


To do this, we can use the P.E.E method!


girl and question marks


It may sound funny but it stands for:






First, you make a point.

Then, you give a quotation from the text as evidence.

Then you explain how that quotation proves your point.


Read the passage below:

In a garden filled with emerald leaves and blossoming trees, four friends, Lily, Max, Mia, and Jake, stumbled upon a wounded bird. Its delicate feathers, which used to be a fluffy blanket of white and gold, were now ruffled and faded. Its chirps echoed like a small choir, the notes shaking with fear.


With hearts pounding like drums, the children gently held the delicate creature; its heartbeat was a galloping horse in their hands. The four children looked at each other.


injured bird


Did the children expect to find a wounded bird? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.


The children stumbled upon a wounded bird.


This quotation tells us that they didn’t expect to see the bird there.


Here is our PEE answer:

The children did not expect to see a wounded bird in the garden. I know this because it says “They stumbled upon a wounded bird”. When you stumble upon something, it is unexpected and not planned.


Our point was:

The children did not expect to see a wounded bird in the garden.


The evidence was:

I know this because it says “They stumbled upon a wounded bird”.

We should use quotation marks around our evidence.


The explanation was:

When you stumble upon something, it is unexpected and not planned.

The explanation explains why the quotation supports the point.


In this activity, you will be finding evidence to prove your points. The quotation you pick must support your point.


Always remember to P.E.E!


happy girl

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