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Understand Meaning of Words in a Story

In this worksheet, students will identify the meaning of words from a story.

'Understand Meaning of Words in a Story' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Comprehension

Curriculum subtopic:   Explore Meaning

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

This activity is all about the meaning of words.


How many words can you think of that mean the same as big?


boy thinking


Here are a few:





And enormous


Read the story opening below:


As the blanket of mist started to clear on Monday morning, Emily and Lily went out to feed their pet rabbits in the back garden. The fresh weather gave them a chilly hug, making the sisters feel wide awake. Archie and Fluffy, their rabbits, lived in a cosy hutch on the patio and were treated like kings.


rabbit hutch


Can you find a word in this paragraph meaning the same as fog?


Did you spot the answer hiding in the first sentence here?


Mist is the same as fog.


Look at this line from the story:

The fresh weather gave them a chilly hug, making the sisters feel wide awake.


Can you think of a word which could replace hug in this sentence, so that it has the same meaning?


Did you come up with a word like cuddle or squeeze?


In this activity, you’ll continue to read this story and answer questions about the meaning of words. Use clues in the sentences to help you work out their meanings.


boy thinking

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