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Understand How to Use Commas Correctly

In this worksheet, students will revise how to use commas correctly.

'Understand How to Use Commas Correctly' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 7 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Grammar and Vocabulary

Curriculum subtopic:   Extend and Apply Grammatical Knowledge

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we will learn - or revise if you're already confident with this - to use commas correctly.


Why does this matter?  Well, getting punctuation wrong can lead to some funny misunderstandings!


Here's one from a vegetarian menu.  Can you spot the error?


Salad with lettuce and radishes


Goat's cheese salad ingredients: lettuce, tomatoes, goats, cheese.


Whoops!  Adding the comma there makes this dish not suitable for vegetarians after all.  


Baby goat with horns.


Let's look at the rules for using commas: 


1.  Commas can separate items in a list.


We have special ice cream flavours today: strawberry cream, lemon, chocolate and cookie dough.


We don't need a comma after the 'and.'


ice creams



2.  Commas can be used to join compound sentences which use the conjunctions:










I want to go swimming, but the pool is closed.

I don't have a dog, nor does Sophie.


3. Commas can be used after an adverb at the beginning of a sentence - called a fronted adverbial.

Remember that adverbs describe the verb - they say how something happened.


Quickly, he jogged on the path.

Desperately, he gasped for breath.


Cartoon picture of boy running and sweating.


Commas can be used in a few other ways but we will cover these in a different activity. 


For now, let's have a go at some questions to practise our comma use.

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