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Revise Common Spelling Errors

In this worksheet, students will revise some common confusions in spelling and explore techniques to improve overall accuracy in their own written work.

'Revise Common Spelling Errors' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 7 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Accurate Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Popular topics:   Money worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Showing the examiner that you can spell correctly and avoid common spelling errors will boost your grade. Below are some of the common confusions, and a few ways to remember them.


TheirThey're and There

Their is used to demonstrate belonging.

For example, That's their house.


They're is a contraction of the phrase 'they are'.

For example, They're going to the beach.


There is used to refer to the location of something or when the above examples do not apply.

For example: Is there anybody there? Or there is my jumper.


We're, Were and Where

We're is a contraction of the phrase 'we are'.

For example, We're going to the beach.


Were is the past tense of 'are'.

For example, We were sleeping.

You can check you've used the right word by changing your phrase to the present tense and replacing 'were' with 'are' to check it still makes sense.


Wear usually refers to something you put on.

For example, I'm going to wear a dress today.


Where is also used to refer to a location.

For example, Where did I put my phone?


Two, Too and To

Two refers to the number '2'.


Too has a couple of meanings. It can mean 'very'; the two 'o's at the end might remind you of this by making you think of something excessive.

For example, the food is too spicy.


Too can mean 'also'.

For example: He was handsome, clever and kind too.


To is used to show the direction or motion of something. It can also be used when the above examples are not appropriate.

For example, She went to the shops

For example, He grew to six feet


Know or No

Know means to understand or have knowledge of something.

For example, I know the letters of the alphabet.


No is simply the opposite of yes.

For example: No, I don't agree.


Phew, that was a lot of information to take in. Now it's over to you!

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