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Analyse the Role of the Key Characters and their Development in 'Journey's End'

In this worksheet, students will revise the key characters presented in 'Journey's End', consider how they were presented throughout the play and how they reflect the context in which Sherriff was writing.

'Analyse the Role of the Key Characters and their Development in 'Journey's End'' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 4

Year:  GCSE

GCSE Subjects:   English Literature

GCSE Boards:   Pearson Edexcel

Curriculum topic:   Post-1914 Play or Novel

Curriculum subtopic:   Journey's End

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

How are each of the characters important in 'Journey's End'?


War memorial and cross with a poppy.


We must remember that Sherriff had first hand experience of fighting during World War I.


He would have met lots of different men during his time in combat and there is no doubt that many of his characters would have been inspired by the real people he met and the values he saw in them.


In the exam you may be asked to explore a character in 'Journey's End.'


You will need to think about how they are important to the play as a whole. Think about why Sherriff has included them - how do they reflect something about the context in which Sherriff was writing?


Remember that it's important to use quotations throughout your exam response to support each of your points.


Have a go at the following questions, which will help you to think about the importance of each character in 'Journey's End.'

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