In this activity, we will learn how to find fractions of amounts of money using division.
We know that when we need to find one quarter, we simply divide by 4.
So, 1/4 of 32p would be 8.
32 ÷ 4 = 8.
This gets a little trickier when we are working with pounds and pence.
The first step is is convert the pounds and pence into just pence.
So, £1.20 would become 120 pence.
To find 1/4 of £1.20, we would convert then divide by 4.
£1.20 = 120p
120 ÷ 4 = 30
1/4 of £1.20 = 30p or £0.30
Does that look simple? Let's practise this in some questions.