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Calculate the Volume of a Cone

In this worksheet, students will calculate the volume of cones, using a given formula

'Calculate the Volume of a Cone' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 9 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Geometry and Measures

Curriculum subtopic:   Use 3D Shape Knowledge to Solve Problems

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we are going to calculate the volume of a cone using a given formula.


You will need a scientific calculator


A cone is a 3D object that tapers from a circle to a point!


ice cream cone


The formula for the volume of a cone, V is:



This is similar to the formula for the volume of a cylinder, but remember to divide by 3.


find volume of a cone


Make a note of the formula!



Calculate the volume of the cone shown below in cm3 to 1 decimal place.


 find volume of a cone



Radius, r = 4 cm

Height, h = 10 cm


Volume = 1/3πr2

(π x 42 x 10) ÷ 3

Volume = 167.6 cm3 (1 dp)


Note: It is important to get the order correct in these calculations!

Did you spot the brackets around most of the equation?

We need to do all the multiplication in the brackets before dividing by 3.


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