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Look at how the Human Digestive System works

In this activity, students will answer questions on the function of the basic parts of the digestive system.

'Look at how the Human Digestive System works' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Animals, including Humans

Curriculum subtopic:   Basic Parts of Human Digestive System

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

When you take a big chunk of your burger in your mouth and start chewing, it tastes yummy!


But what actually happens to the food when it goes through your body?

Maybe you're not that keen to know!


Girl eating hamburger


So, hold on to your tummies as we start to find out!


The job of the digestive system is to break down the food we eat into smaller units, so we can use it as energy to keep our body working well.


Now, look carefully at the information below - you'll need to use it to answer the questions in this activity.


diagram of digestive system


Name Function
Mouth Has teeth which cut and tear food before we swallow it. Also produces saliva which helps to start digestion and lubricates the food as we swallow it.
Oesophagus A tube of muscle that connects the mouth and the stomach.
Stomach A bag that churns and mixes food. The stomach contains strong acid which kills any bacteria that may have been consumed with the food.
Small intestine A long, narrow tube made of muscle. Much of the food digestion occurs here before useful nutrients are absorbed into the blood.
Large intestine Another tube of muscle, that is wider than the small intestine but shorter. Remaining water in the digested food is absorbed, leaving behind waste products which harden to form faeces (poo).
Rectum Stores faeces (poo) until it is passed out of the body.
Anus The lower opening of the digestive system. Faeces (poo) leaves the body through this opening.


So, that was a lot of information! Just go through it again, before you tackle this activity, OK?


You can return to look at this information by pressing the pink button on the right-hand side of every activity page.

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