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Investigate Solutions

In this worksheet, students will be helped to look over their work on what solutions are, what sort of things dissolve and how basic methods of separation work.

'Investigate Solutions' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 5 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Properties and Changes of Materials

Curriculum subtopic:   Dissolving and Solutions

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In your science lessons you'll have played with all sorts of dissolving experiments, seeing what dissolves and what doesn't and seeing how to separate substances in different ways and why they work.


dissolving tablet


For example, in the picture you can see a blackcurrant-flavoured vitamin C tablet dissolving in water.


Think: what's happening to the solid tablet as it dissolves? Does it stay as particles of solid or does it become a liquid?

Think: how could you find out the answer to that question? Would filtering work? What about evaporating the water off? What might be left behind?


These are the sort of questions you'll need to consider when trying out solutions, and this activity gives you the chance to practise some of these.


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children doing an experiment

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