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Look at Separating Mixtures

In this worksheet, students will be exploring some of the ways we can separate the different substances in a mixture.

'Look at Separating Mixtures' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 5 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Properties and Changes of Materials

Curriculum subtopic:   Separating Mixtures

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

We often come across things that have been mixed together.


If you pour muesli into a bowl at breakfast time you can see that it is a mixture of things like oat flakes, fruits and nuts.


Another, not so tasty, mixture might be the paper, glass and tins in a recycling bin.


The things in a mixture don't join together to make something new. They can be separated out.


Mixture of peas and beans


These beans and peas make a colourful (and nutritious!) mixture. With a lot of patience, they could be separated into small piles of different peas and beans. Maybe there's a better way...?


Let's look at some of the ways we can separate mixtures.

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