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Understand How to Measure the Speed of a Reaction

In this worksheet, students will explore ways to measure how fast a reaction is happening.

'Understand How to Measure the Speed of a Reaction ' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 7 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Chemistry: Chemical Reactions

Curriculum subtopic:   Catalysts

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

How do we know that a chemical reaction is happening?


We can look out for some signs:


Bubbles - these are a sign that a gas has been produced in a chemical reaction.


A colour change - this can be a sign that a new substance has been made.


A temperature change - this is a sign that energy has been taken in or given out from a chemical reaction as bonds are broken or formed. 


We can measure how fast a chemical reaction is occuring by looking at these signs.




For example:

When iron fillings and powdered sulfur are mixed and then heated, a chemical reaction happens and iron sulfide is made. We know when the reaction has taken place because there is a colour changefrom yellow to black. We can use a stop watch to time how long it takes the mixture to turn black. That is one way to measure how fast a reaction occurs. 


stop watch


When vinegar and baking soda are mixed together, a chemical reaction takes place to make sodium acetate, water and carbon dioxide. We would see bubbles which would tell us that a reaction is happening. But we could see how fast it is happening by collecting the gas produced in a gas syringe and measuring how much gas is produced in a certain time. 


gas syringe


When a metal such as magnesium is dropped into a beaker of acid such as hydrochloric acid, a chemical reaction occurs. We know because there is a temperature change - the beaker gets hot. We could see how quickly the chemical reaction happens using a thermometer, by measuring the temperature change in a set time.  


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