Hi word creator!
In this activity, we are going to be looking for small words contained within a longer word.
Look at this word: because
Can you spot a smaller word contained within it? Did you say the word be? The first two letters of the word because also make the word be.
Let's try another one. Look at this word: sharing
Can you find another smaller word contained within the word sharing? This time, the smaller word is at the end of the bigger word. It is the word ring.
Did you get that one?
It is important to look at the beginning, the end and even in the middle of bigger words to make sure that you don't miss the small word.
For example, can you find a small word contained within this word:
If you look in the middle of the word soldier, you might be able to spot the small word old.
In this activity, you will need to be a word wizard and find the small word contained within a longer word. Let’s get started!