We are going to show you how to round the number 752 835 to the nearest 100 000 and to the nearest 10 000.
Read the number first:
752 835 is seven hundred and fifty-two thousand, eight hundred and thirty-five.
Notice the space that separates the thousands.
752 835 is between 700 000 and 800 000.
We place it on this number line to see whether it is closer to 700 000 at the start or 800 000 at the end.
It is just past the halfway point so it is closer to 800 000.
752 835 rounds to 800 000 to the nearest 100 000.
Round 752 835 to the nearest 10 000.
Counting in 10 000s, we see that 752 835 is between 750 000 and 760 000.
Place it on a number line like this....
It is much closer to 750 000.
752 835 rounds to 750 000 to the nearest 10 000.