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Use Capital Letters for Proper Nouns

In this worksheet, students will practise using capital letters for proper nouns.

'Use Capital Letters for Proper Nouns' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 1 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Capital Letters

Popular topics:   Nouns worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

We use capital letters at the start of every sentence, but there are some words that always need capital letters, wherever they come in a sentence.


Capital letters are needed for all the names of people, places and dates.

These are called proper nouns.



Mr Jones



High Street






Christmas tree


Strangely, although months and days of the weeks need capital letters, the four seasons don't!!


Book and film titles are also given capital letters. Usually all the words in the title start with a capital letter except little words like 'and' and 'the'. The first word of the title always has a capital even if it is a little word.


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

One Hundred and One Dalmatians


a dalmation


Sometimes we write a whole word in capital letters to make it stand out more.


'FIRE!' shouted Jimmy.


Let's have a go at using capital letters in the questions now.


girl writing

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