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Punctuate a Sentence Using Full Stops, Question Marks and Exclamation Marks

In this worksheet, students will practise recognising sentence types, using question marks, exclamation marks and full stops.

'Punctuate a Sentence Using Full Stops, Question Marks and Exclamation Marks' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 1 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation

Curriculum subtopic:   Punctuate Sentences

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Is using the right punctuation really important?


boy thinking


Yes, it is!


happy girl




boy thinking


Using the right punctuation and recognising punctuation, makes our writing more interesting and helps us to understand the world better.


girl reading




I'll show you. Read this sentence below.


boy on computer


That was the best cake ever.


This is just a statement. Let’s change the full stop to an exclamation mark.


That was the best cake ever!


happy girlschocolate cake

The second time it is an exclamation.​

How did it sound the second time? Was it more exciting or interesting?


Punctuation can completely change a sentence, so it is important to look at it closely, to help us understand more!


Remember, a full stop shows us the end of a sentence, a statement or fact.


I am going to the park today



A question mark, shows that someone is asking a question and wants more information.


What is your favourite fruit



An exclamation mark shows that someone is exclaiming or shouting something.


What an amazing birthday



Top tip:

Did you spot that an exclamation mark is used to exclaim?

Or that a question mark is used for questions?


It’s not just a coincidence!


Think - is that a question? (mark)

That is an exclamation! (mark)


Look at these next challenges closely. Use your super spotting skills to choose the right punctuation and find mistakes!



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