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Evaluate and Improve Writing Using Adverbs and Adjectives

In this worksheet, students will practise recognising adjectives and adverbs and choosing more exciting vocabulary in their writing.

'Evaluate and Improve Writing Using Adverbs and Adjectives' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Composition

Curriculum subtopic:   Evaluate Writing

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Evaluating our writing means we can make it the very best it can be.

When we evaluate, we are looking closely at word choices.

correcting typed text


This means we look at descriptions or word choices and think: can I change this word for a more interesting or fitting word?


Or can I add in extra description, more adjectives to build the picture in the reader's mind or adverbs to show how an action is being completed?

Like this.

Instead of writing:


The queen looked at the jester.


elizabethan queenred joker


We could describe the queen with adjectives, and how she ‘looked’ and the jester, like this:


The wicked, old queen sneered at the meek and weary jester.


Wow, what did you think of that?


We could even describe what the jester was doing, like this:


The wicked, old queen sneered at the meek and weary jester as he eagerly performed his dance.

That sounds pretty good to us!


girl happy thumbs up


In this activity, we will be improving sentences and word choices - good luck!

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