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Use Clues to Identify Word Meanings in a Text

In this worksheet, students will use clues in a text to identify the meaning of words.

'Use Clues to Identify Word Meanings in a Text' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Comprehension

Curriculum subtopic:   Identify Text Meaning

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Using interesting words adds detail to stories and helps the reader imagine what is going on in their heads.

Sometimes, when we are reading, we come across words we haven’t seen or heard of before.


girl thinking


To help us understand the meaning of these words, we can use the words around it as a clue.



Jack felt incensed after somebody stole his car, and he stomped all the way home.


We may not be familiar with the word incensed, but clues in the rest of the sentence tell us that incensed means angry.


Somebody has stolen Jack's car and he is stomping his feet. These are clues that he is angry.


angry child


In this activity, we will read a fiction text.

We will use clues in the sentences to work out the meanings of words to answer the questions we are given.


Let's get started!


detective with magnifying glass

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