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Identify Word Meanings in a Text

In this worksheet, students will identify the meaning of words from a text.

'Identify Word Meanings in a Text' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 5 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Comprehension

Curriculum subtopic:   Explore Meaning

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

This activity is all about the meaning of words we come across in texts.


When reading a story or non-fiction text, we may come across a completely new word.

This may leave us feeling a bit stuck as we don't know what the new word means.


boy thinking


Have no fear as we can use the words around the new word to help us make a clever guess about its meaning.


This is called using the context.


Read the beginning of the persuasive text below.


Hazlemarsh Summer Fair

Are you looking for an amazing and affordable activity to do with your children this brilliant, bright bank holiday weekend? Do you want to make the most of the last weekend of summer? Look no further and come on down to Hazlemarsh Summer Fair this sunny and wonderful weekend so you can hear the woo-hoos of your children happily playing.




Which word in this opening is a synonym for joyfully?


synonym is a word with the same or very similar meaning.


When we answer questions like this, we need to read the entire text to find the perfect word.

Here, the word was hiding in the final sentence.


Happily is a synonym for joyfully.


happy girl dancing


In this activity, you'll be answering questions about the meaning of words in a text and finding synonyms. Good luck.

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