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Recognise Words Borrowed from Other Languages

In this worksheet, students will investigate French, German and Spanish words, and how they are used in the English Language.

'Recognise Words Borrowed from Other Languages' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 7 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Grammar and Vocabulary

Curriculum subtopic:   Extend and Apply Grammatical Knowledge

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

How many French, German and Spanish words do you know already?


It isn't very difficult to know what these French words mean.


French flag


table, chocolat, éléphant, giraffe.


These Spanish words are easy to understand, too.


Spanish flag


animal, chocolate, doctor, invisible.


German nouns are always spelt with a capital letter, but these words should also be easy to work out.


German flag


Computer, Farm, Million, Radio.


Many of our words are similar to those in other European languages. This is partly because languages borrow words from each other, but also because many European languages are descended from the same language. French and Spanish are very closely related, and so are English and German.


Let's have some fun  with words in this activity!


happy girl

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