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Study Context in Literature

In this worksheet, students will develop their understanding of the role context plays in the analysis of literary texts.

'Study Context in Literature' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 9 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading

Curriculum subtopic:   Support Comprehension Through Knowledge

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

pile of books


You may have seen the word context in your studies of English literature.


But what actually is this?


Context is basically background information. It can mean the social, cultural or historical setting of a piece of text. 


Knowing when a text was written, where it was written and who it was written by can give us lots of additional information about a text that we can't get from just analysing the language used. 


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In this activity, you will look at a few different texts and begin to explain the impact of their context.


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