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Use a Carroll Diagram

In this worksheet, students will answer questions based on a diagram.

'Use a Carroll Diagram' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Statistics

Curriculum subtopic:   Solve Statistic Problems

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we will be learning how to use Carroll diagrams to answer questions.  


A Carroll diagram shows information in a rectangular grid.

The categories show opposites such as even and not even.


On a Carroll diagram, there are normally four sections, into which numbers or data can be entered according to the row and column titles. 


Carroll Diagram


Let's take a close look to ensure we know how to use this type of data. 


The number 4 is in the right-hand box on the top row.

This is because it is even and is not a multiple of 3.


The number 3 is not even but it is a multiple of 3. 

So, it belongs in the bottom row and in the left-hand box. 


Let's try an example together.



Where would the number 21 go in this Carroll diagram?



The number 21 is odd, so it belongs in the bottom row. 

It is also a multiple of 3, so it belongs on the left. 

21 would go in the left-hand box, on the bottom row. 


Now you understand how Carroll diagrams work, it's time to try some questions on your own. Good luck!


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