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Name Basic Plants and Animals

In this worksheet, students will recognise basic animals and plants and begin to match them to their correct habitat or microhabitat.

'Name Basic Plants and Animals' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Living Things and Their Habitats

Curriculum subtopic:   Habitats and Micro-habitats

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

The world is made up of living things.

Any animal or plant is a living thing and they live in different places!

In this activity, we will practise spotting some animals and plants. We will learn their names and start to recognise where they live, or can be found.

Let's look closer.


forest woodland


This is a woodland habitat. We might find rabbits, birds like robins or sparrows and sometimes foxes living here.

We might find plants like oak trees, brambles or grass growing here too.

Inside this habitat will also be some microhabitats.

This means smaller homes for other creatures.

In the woodland, there can be leaf litter on the ground, where worms and snails might live.


earthworm in soil


There can also be dead logs that woodlice and millipedes live underneath!


large millipede


There are lots more habitats, with different living plants and creatures in them, such as:




underwater sea scene




rainforest jungle scene




meadow land field




crab on the seashore


There are millions of creatures and plants living everywhere, so let's take a closer look!


girl surprised magnifying glass

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