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Identify and Classify Animals and Plants

In this worksheet, students will learn about the different groups of animals and begin to recognise and name more plants and animals.

'Identify and Classify Animals and Plants' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Living Things and Their Habitats

Curriculum subtopic:   Habitats and Micro-habitats

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Are you ready to learn all about the animal kingdom?

Within the animal kingdom there are different groups, almost like families and most animals will fit into one of these 'families'.


black animal silhouette


Each group has different features and different types of animal in them.


Read below to find out about each one!


They are:



Are warm-blooded and can live on land and water.

They have feathers, wings and a beak and they lay eggs!

chaffinch great blue heronred tailed hawk

Are warm-blooded and can live on land and water.

They have hair or fur and give birth to live babies, feeding them with milk.

adult african elephanttabby cat on rugbrown adult horse with foal

Are cold-blooded and can live on land and water, but like to be near water.

They have moist skin and webbed feet and lay eggs too!

green frog small black newt

Are cold-blooded and live on land or in water.

They have scales, ear holes and dry skin and lay eggs.

lizard chameleon on branch

Are cold-blooded and live in water only.

They have gills to breathe underwater and fins to move and swim and lay their eggs in water.

clownfish in oral shark

Are cold-blooded but don't have blood like other animals because it doesn't carry oxygen!

They can live on land and in water and their bodies have three main parts and many have two sets of wings.

They lay and hatch from eggs.

different insects

Some of the features that make them different to other animals are highlighted. Have another look through and see what differences you can spot!


different plants in pots


Plants are just as important as animals and while they have their own families, we won't be looking as closely at that today, but we will still be looking at plants!

A few things to remember:


Plants get their energy from the Sun and make their own food. They are producers.


Some plants can live in very dry places, such as cacti in the desert, or very wet warm places, such as banana trees in the jungle.


And they offer homes and food to animals.


There are lots of different types, like:


Trees coconut tree
Flowers snowdrops growing in snow
Cacti desert cactus
grass plant
Seaweed and sea plants
seaweed underwater

In this activity, we will be spotting different plants and sorting animals into their correct group - let's go!

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