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Understand How Sound Insulators Work

In this worksheet, students will consider how sound is absorbed by materials and when and why we use sound insulation.

'Understand How Sound Insulators Work' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Sound

Curriculum subtopic:   How Sounds Travel

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Sounds are all around us. We do not want to hear many of the sounds outside when we are inside our homes, for example, traffic noise.


TRaffic queue


Some materials are good at allowing sound to travel through them. They are dense materials.


Some materials are good at absorbing sound - they do not vibrate as well. These materials are called sound insulators and are soft materials. In our homes we are surrounded by soft materials - curtains, carpets, duvets, soft furniture etc.


Sometimes we want to block out sound because it can damage our ears!  The loudness of sound is measured in a unit called decibels (dB) and sounds in the region of 100dB can hurt our ears.


girl wearing ear defenders


Let's find out more about insulating sound.

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