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Look at how Substances Change

In this worksheet, students will be helped to review a variety of changes to a selection of materials, asking them to decide whether the change can be reversed or not.

'Look at how Substances Change' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 5 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Properties and Changes of Materials

Curriculum subtopic:   Reversible Changes

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

 You've seen loads of substances changing in your life.

Sometimes they change when they're heated: changes like melting and boiling are the result of heating.


Melting ice


Sometimes they change back when they're cooled: reversible changes are things like condensing and freezing.




Then again, you have often added substances to water and seen them dissolve. The question is - do they stay like that forever?


Sugar and water


Do they go back to what they started like?


Can they be made to return to their original state or is the change permanent?


Evaporated coffee


This series of questions will give you a chance to look over some basic changes, including when materials are heated and cooled.

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