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Understand the Difference Between Harmful and Beneficial Drugs

In this worksheet, students will be challenged to look more deeply at the issue of drugs and to what extent they may be helpful or harmful.

'Understand the Difference Between Harmful and Beneficial Drugs' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Animals, including Humans

Curriculum subtopic:   Healthy Bodies: Lifestyle

Popular topics:   Biology old worksheets, Healthy Living And Diet worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

It's funny how some words can change their meaning over time. 


If you've looked at the activity on diet, you'll know that 'diet' has two different meanings.  A diet can mean what someone eats i.e. 'their normal diet' or, it can mean that someone is 'on a diet' and reducing the number of calories they eat.   


It's the same with 'drugs'.  We often hear in the news about 'drugs' in the sense of the ones that are illegal and have a very negative impact on people's lives.


drug bottle


So, are all drugs bad? 


As you go through this activity, we'll try to answer that question and, hopefully, find out about some beneficial drugs as well as harmful ones.


So, let's see what's good and what's bad.


girl thinking

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