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Identify the Correct Homonym

In this worksheet, students will find the word that matches both of its single word definitions, the word will be a homonym. This will build students’ vocabulary and comprehension skills.

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'Identify the Correct Homonym' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 11+ worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Verbal Reasoning

Curriculum subtopic:   Multiple Meanings

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

What do you notice about the word bat in the two sentences below?

The bat flew through the window.

He hit the ball with a bat.


That’s right! The word bat means something completely different in each sentence!

Some words are spelled the same, but have more than one meaning. We call these homonyms.


For example: bat could mean a flying animal or, an item used to hit a ball.



Below are two pairs of words which may appear to be unrelated. It is your job to find one word which fits equally well with both groups (so it needs to be a homonym). 

(Sport, Event)   (Fire, Light) 


Which word from the list below fits with both groups?

a) Candle

b) Team

c) Play

d) Match


The answer is match because it fits with both of the word groups and their associated meanings!



Let’s try another pair: 

(Leap, Metal coil) 


Which word fits with both these groups of words? 

a) Jump

b) Spring

c) Pounce

d) Screw


The answer is spring as it's a synonym of leap and is also the name for a metal coil.




In this activity, you will need to be a homonym hunter and match words to their meanings.

EdPlace 11+ detective


Here's a handy hint to help you reach superstar status:

The word you choose has to match all of the definitions provided.



Want a bit more help with this before you begin? Why not watch these short videos?




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