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Identify which Homonym Makes Sense in the Sentence

In this worksheet, students will find the word that matches all of its single word definitions, the word will be a homonym. This will build students’ vocabulary and comprehension skills.

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'Identify which Homonym Makes Sense in the Sentence' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 5 11+ worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Verbal Reasoning

Curriculum subtopic:   Multiple Meanings

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

What do you notice about the word rash in the two sentences below?


The rash on her arm was really itchy.

There was no doubt she had made a foolish and rash decision.


You’ve got it. The word rash means something completely different in each sentence!


Some words are spelled the same, but have more than one meaning. We call these homonyms.


For example: rash could mean marks and spots on your skin or, it could mean a thoughtless decision or action.


Woman itching her arm which is irritated and red  


We need to find a word that fits with the words in the left and right sets of brackets. This word will be a homonym.


(Gift, Treat) (Now, Current)


Our choices are: 

a) Soon

b) Today

c) Ready

d) Instant

e) Present


The answer is present because it fits with both the word groups and their associated meanings. Present can mean a gift, as well as referring to the current time.

Two children on sofa opening Christmas presents        


Let’s attempt another question:

Which word matches both sets of meanings in the brackets?

(Moult, Cast off) (Outbuilding, Hut) 


Our choices are: 

a) Remove

b) Shed

c) Stable

d) Barn

e) Drop


The correct answer is shed as this means to lose hair or skin and, can also be a small structure in the garden.




In this activity, you will need to be a homonym hunter and match words to their meanings.

EdPlace 11+ detective


Here's a handy hint to help you reach superstar status:

The word you choose has to match all of the definitions provided.


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