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Spot Spelling and Punctuation Mistakes in Sentences.

In this worksheet, students will look at common word spellings and mistakes and spot spelling mistakes in sentences.

'Spot Spelling and Punctuation Mistakes in Sentences.' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Composition

Curriculum subtopic:   Proofread for Errors

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Imagine you're building a sandcastle on the beach, with walls, towers, and a moat just like your favourite fairytale.


You work hard, patting down the sand with your hands, making sure everything is perfect.


elaborate sandcastle


But then, what if you forgot to close the gate of the moat, or a tower is leaning a little wonky? Whoops!


sad school boy


Proofreading is like checking your sandcastle before showing it off.


It's reading your work carefully, like a detective searching for sneaky mistakes.


boy detective


Sometimes, when we're busy building our words, little errors can sneak in, like missing 's' sounds, punctuation or misspelt words.


They might be tiny, but they can make things a bit confusing if we don't fix them.

Look at the tricky words below to help you proofread.


little the of when I
no said he she are
you was they all my
some come one what out
like have here looked asked


In this activity, we will read different sentences to spot spelling and punctuation mistakes.


Let's go, detective!

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