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Retrieve Information from Fictional Texts and Instructional Texts

In this worksheet, students will retrieve facts from a fiction text and a set of instructions.

'Retrieve Information from Fictional Texts and Instructional Texts' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Comprehension

Curriculum subtopic:   Retrieve and Record Information

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Fiction books and texts describe imaginary settings, characters and events.


Non-fiction texts contain facts and are about real events.

Non-fiction writing includes instructions, recounts, reports and explanations.


In this activity, we will read a fiction text and a set of instructions.


A good set of instructions should include: 


-  Headings and subheadings
- An introduction sentence
- A list of what you need
- Steps in chronological order
Imperative (bossy) verbs like click, put, open
Numbers or bullet points to separate each step
- A conclusion sentence or a warning
- Adverbs and prepositions to show time like firstly, then, afterwards


imperative verbs


Here is an example of a set of instructions:


How to complete an activity on Edplace

These simple instructions will tell you how to complete an awesome activity on Edplace.


You will need:

-  A pen
-  A piece of paper
-  A laptop or electronic device


1. Firstly, open up the activity you have been set.

2. Then carefully read the introduction.

3. Note down anything important you have learned from the introduction.

4. After that, click on start to begin your questions.

5. Then answer your first question.

6. Press check your answer to see if you were right and to learn from your mistakes.

7. Repeat this for all 10 questions.

8. Finally, check your score and decide if you want to try the activity again.


Warning: If you skip past the introduction, you may struggle with the questions.




This set of instructions has the heading  How to complete an activity on Edplace and the subheading You will need.


Can you spot the numbered steps which are in chronological order?

Can you see some of the imperative verbs such as open, read, click and press?

Can you see the adverbs of time such as firstly and finally?


girl thinking


In this activity, we will read a fiction text and a non-fiction text. We will then answer questions about what we have read.


Make sure you read each text carefully before answering the questions.

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