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Read and Understand Non-Chronological Reports

In this worksheet, students read a non-chronological report about bats and then answer questions on its content and structure.

'Read and Understand Non-Chronological Reports' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Comprehension

Curriculum subtopic:   Retrieve and Record Information

Popular topics:   Reading Comprehension worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

You may have read lots of chronological reports, such as instructions, explanations and recounts. These are all written in time order from beginning to end, and have to be written like this so that they make sense.

This worksheet is about a non-chronological report. This is a type of non-fiction text that isn't written in time order. It gives information on a particular subject and will include many facts.

Read the following non-chronological report on bats and then answer the questions in the worksheet. Remember that you can look back at the text as often as you like by clicking the Help button.



A bat is a flying mammal.


There are more than 1,000 different species of bat and they are found in every continent in the world except Antarctica. Bats can live in caves, trees, houses and even under bridges. Some species of bat live alone but some live with thousands of other bats in colonies. Bats are nocturnal.


Bats have strong wings for flying and strong claws that allow them to hang upside down. They have extremely good hearing and find their way around at night by picking up echoes from objects around them. They have a good sense of smell and are not blind, despite the popular saying 'blind as a bat'.


Most species of bat eat insects, but some eat fruit or fish, and there are three species of vampire bats that feed only on blood.


Many people think that bats are birds because they can fly, but they have fur rather than feathers and are warm blooded. Bats are born alive whereas birds are hatched from eggs. Although bats and birds both have wings, bats also have hands with fingers, and birds do not.


Although some mammals such as flying squirrels can glide through the air, bats are the only mammal that can truly fly.

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