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Understand Effective Proofreading

In this worksheet, students will practise the important skill of editing and proofreading their writing effectively.

'Understand Effective Proofreading' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Composition

Curriculum subtopic:   Proofread Own Work for Errors

Popular topics:   Writing worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, you will practise how to effectively edit and proofread your own writing.

It's important that you can effectively proofread in order to ensure that your writing is accurate and well-structured.


When you proofread your writing, you need to evaluate and edit carefully:


Check that your use of vocabulary and grammar enhances and clarifies the meaning.

Check there is the use of a consistent tense.

Check the subject-verb agreement is suitable.

Proofread for spelling and punctuation errors.


girl writing


I wennt to a swimming lesson on saturday morning


Correction of example:

I went to a swimming lesson on Saturday morning.

To accurately edit this sentence we had to correct spelling, missing use of a capital letter, and add a full stop.


swimming lesson


Example 2

I was happy.

Edit this sentence so that the writing is more interesting to read.

I was deliriously ecstatic! I could not believe that I had won the competition! I beamed from ear to ear!


happy girl


Let's move on and have a go at some proofreading in the questions that follow.

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