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Practise Spelling Words Containing the Long 'e' Sound

In this worksheet, students will practise reading and spelling words that end with the long 'e' sound.

'Practise Spelling Words Containing the Long 'e' Sound' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Word Reading

Curriculum subtopic:   Root Word Awareness

Popular topics:   Spelling worksheets, Money worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

When we are practising reading and spelling new words, it's a great idea to say them out loud, this will help us to hear all of the sounds. 




When we are spelling a longer word, we can break the word down into smaller parts.

For example: fan-tas-tic


happy boy throwing leaves in the air


The word fantastic has been broken down into three smaller parts, saying these smaller parts out loud will make it easier when we want to spell the word and write it down. 


We may also spot a smaller word inside the longer word. For example, in the word replacement, we can see the word place: re-place-ment.


The word place is a root word which has had other bits added in front of it (a prefix - re ) and after it (a suffix - ment)


In this activity, we'll be looking at a lot of words that contain the long 'e' sound.

If a word ends with this long 'e' sound, it is usually made by the letter 'y', for example, happy, probably, activity, usually.


Let's move on to some questions now.

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