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Use Exciting Vocabulary

In this worksheet, students will practise choosing more precise words to replace common choices.

'Use Exciting Vocabulary' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 7 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Grammar and Vocabulary

Curriculum subtopic:   Extend and Apply Grammatical Knowledge

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Some words in our language are used far too frequently.


That's a nice dress.

We had a nice evening with our friends.

That was a nice piece of cake.


purple dress


Each of these sentences would be improved by choosing a more precise adjective instead of nice.


That's a pretty dress.

We had a pleasant evening with our friends.

That was a delicious piece of cake.


chocolate cup cake


We can also improve our writing by choosing more precise adjectives instead of using the word very.


I was very tired after the match.

I was exhausted after the match.


game of football


It is often better to choose a precise verb instead of adding an adverb to a common verb.


Kayden walked slowly along the road, swinging his school bag as he went.

Kayden strolled along the road, swinging his school bag as he went.


In this activity, we will practise improving sentences by choosing precise words to use instead of vague or over-used ones. You may find a dictionary or a thesaurus helpful.


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