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Write For A Specific Audience

In this worksheet, students will begin to develop their understanding of audience and how to select the most appropriate language to match an audience's needs.

'Write For A Specific Audience' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 8 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing

Curriculum subtopic:   Purpose and Audience Awareness

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Knowing who you are writing for should point you in the direction of what to write about.


Considering your audience will ensure that you choose the most suitable vocabulary. 

It could also guide your decision as to what literary or rhetorical devices to use.

Each different group of people have different needs, so it is a key skill in English to identify the audience and write accordingly. 


children thinking


In this activity, we will look at how to select the most appropriate ways to write for a specific audience


We will be looking at the text below, so have a read and get ready to start the questions!


Farming is an essential part of our world, providing us with the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and even the materials for the houses we live in. It's a fascinating world that connects us to nature and teaches us important lessons about hard work and patience. If you're curious about farming, you're in for an exciting adventure. In this article, we'll explore the basics of farming, the different types of farms, and some fun facts about farm life.


What is farming? Farming is the process of growing plants and raising animals for various purposes, primarily to produce food and raw materials. Being a farmer is like being a caretaker of the land and its creatures, making sure they thrive. Farmers take care of the soil, water, and air by using sustainable practices. They know that if they take care of the land, it will take care of them in return.


Crop Farms: Crop farms grow plants like grains, fruits, and vegetables. Some popular crops are corn, wheat, and strawberries. Imagine running through a strawberry field, picking your own juicy berries!


Livestock Farms: Livestock farms raise animals like cows, pigs, and chickens. These animals provide us with meat, milk, eggs, and other products. It's important to treat these animals with kindness and respect.


Dairy Farms: Dairy farms specialise in cows and goats that produce milk. You might have a glass of fresh milk from a local dairy farm with your breakfast!


Aquaculture Farms: Some farms are in the water! Aquaculture farms raise fish, shrimp, and other aquatic animals. They make sure we have delicious seafood to enjoy.


Did you know?


Bees are little superheroes on the farm. They help pollinate flowers and crops, so we get delicious fruits and vegetables.


bee covered in pollen


Before tractors, farmers used horses to plough fields. It's like having four-legged, furry engines!


The food on your plate often comes from local farms. This 'farm to table' process is a way of supporting local farmers and enjoying fresh, healthy food.


Some plants grow better when they're near certain other plants. It's like having plant friendships on the farm!


Farming is an incredible world with so much to discover. It's not just about growing food; it's about respecting nature, animals, and the hard work of the people who take care of the land. You can learn so much about farming, whether you live in a big city or a small town. So, keep exploring, ask questions, and maybe even visit a local farm to see it all up close. Who knows, you might develop a green thumb or a love for farm animals, and one day, you could be a farmer yourself, helping to feed the world. Happy farming adventures!


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